
Showing posts from December, 2010

So long 2010.....

2010 was mostly a good year for us -  We went on a vacation down south -  we hadn't done this for years - we really enjoyed it!  DH got an offer he couldn't refuse, and retired one year earlier than we had planned - a delightful surprise! DH went to the UK to visit his family and do a real "train" oriented trip.  He had arranged for a line pass (this meant he could get right down on the track to take video)  and as he'd been wanting to do this for years, this was a very satisfying trip for him. I went to the UK to do a knitting weekend in London.  I tried to resist, but resistance was futile - a very spontaneous thing for me! With the Hubby Retired - we really got to enjoy the summer.   Barbecues on the deck, afternoons reading out there, enjoying our yard.  With the DH home, we go walkies with Lackie and Daisy about 3 times a week - hikes more than the Conservation areas that are close to us. We still did our "annual" things - like goin

The Aragog Trail....

If you read this blog, you know I'm a great fan of Harry Potter.  While on our walks, I make up silly of them is that a particular part of one of the trails that we walk is actually "The Aragog Trail" because it is frankly a spooky part of the trail.  While this time of the year the leaves are gone and with the snow it's quite bright....but not on this part of the trail...... This way to "The Aragog Trail" It's quiet and spooky...... I'm always happy when I can see the light at the end of this part of the trail!

Happy Christmas!

I love the way they say "Happy Christmas" in the Harry Potter I'm saying it here. Happy Holidays to all of you who don't celebrate Christmas - because there are so many "Holidays" at this time of year. Thank you for a great 2010 - and my best wishes to everyone for a wonderful, healthy, happy and prosperous 2011. (I truly wish this for everyone with whom I am friends or in whatever way acquainted with  - for those who I talk to all the time, or who just drop by here once in a while, and to those who I have lost touch with for whatever reason!  Honest - all the best for 2011.) This is the photograph I used on our Christmas Cards this year.  I keep thinking Christmas Cards are redundant in this day of e-mail and facebook.....but there is nothing like opening a card and seeing a message from good friends.  So this year I decided to really make it a personal statement.  Our friends know that Daisy and Lackie are everything to us and it seemed like

Spindrift Designer Box....

Remember this post .....the shades of Jamieson's Shetland Spindrift that I didn't have and just had to have LOL!!! Well they are now organized with all of the other shades that I had already, per the new shade card (sort of) in two large Rubbermaid containers...... I don't have all of the Marls.......and just looking at these photos makes me want to organize them strictly by the shade I'll do that next.

Daisy & Lackie ......

Daisy and Lackie are enjoying the snow.........I've started my Rambler in Polar Cocoon

I just couldn't help myself.....

What do you think this is Daisy? I don't know, but it smells like something Mom always tells us to "leave it"! Oh oh Lackie, someone is coming! Hi Mom - us? We aren't doing anything.... Stash enhancement - two cones of Rowan Denim - Black for a sweater for the hubby - who will look spectacular in it!

Christmas photos cont'd....

This is how we set up Daisy and Lackie for their Christmas photos.  They are on the corner section of our couch, with a furry blanket behind them......I was behind the couch, positioning them.......the photographer, Renee , was shaking a box of smarties and taking photos with her digital SLR.  This was one of those oops photos - Lackie's poinsettie has twisted and my arms are still in the photo....oh well......we got some great ones which I'll share during December.

December mail......

Yesterday Issue 26 of "The Knitter" arrived -- I love the cover sweater....and today, the Winter Rowan Membership magazine, with a preview of Rowan 49.  

Christmas Photos

Daisy with her happy face!