Christmas Photos

Daisy with her happy face!


  1. This photo can easily be a gorgeous christmas card. What a nice subject !!!

  2. Cute! Can't help but smile back at her! :)

  3. Adorable! A much nicer photo than those on the December page of my Westie Wall Calendar. You should take a few more of Daisy and Lackie and submit them to the Brown Trout calendar people - they used some pretty ratty looking Westies this year.

  4. Ah, there it is! Daisy amid the pointsettas. Very very cute.

    She is such a doll baby.

    Thanks for sharing her with us.

  5. Soooo cute! If we placed her beside my Bunny she'd look like a mini me. How do you keep the staining from happening around her mouth?


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