Thanksgiving Update - FO’s, Rowan Sock, Rowan Connect

Latest Life LDC Knits youtube episode is up! This blog post is in addition to the video update (I always think of things to talk about or write about here that I haven’t in the other platform :) )

It’s Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada! I’ve got a lot to be thankful for this year! We moved…and I’m so thankful that all went well, that we have made a great decision for our future, that we are settling in!

I’m thankful, yes seriously, to Rowan Yarns for their Rowan Connect events! I like (ed) to go to knit workshops and travelled yearly, usually to the UK, for events. With Covid all that stopped. (I was just about to get on a plane the Thursday before Canada shut down, but miraculously had made the decision to change plans and not worry about the expense of cancelling.)

Rowan Connect is the on line portal for all things educational for Rowan. They held their first 2 day event this Spring and I attended! It was great to be at home (in your pjs if you wanted) and be able to zoom into presentations and workshops. 

I just attended the Festive Evening with ARNE & CARLOS! It was great! A&C chatted casually with David MacLeod of Rowan about their Holiday customs (the custom of 7 different holiday cookies, how many Christmas trees they have….how many? LOL) and on the knit front, they discussed their Norwegian Wool collaboration with Rowan!

It was a fun get-together! So much so that I have signed up for the 

The Ultimate Kidsilk Haze Celebration 

on Thursday, October 20 at 7 pm BST (that’s 2 pm my time)

Even if timing isn’t great for you - the presentation will be recorded and available for watching after!

This presentation is complimentary (ie FREE) and by signing up, you get a coupon code for a 20% discount off of a purchase of Kidsilk Haze on the Rowan web site! What a sweet deal!

FOs? Yes I have a couple!

I’ve finished the Suzy Throw from Magazine 71! I loved working with Rowan’s Cotton Cashmere yarn - the shades used in this throw are lovely and totally not my usual choice for shades! It was great to knit each piece, and there is great satisfaction in casting off each individual piece. Of course, then you have to sew them all together! Luckily, I don’t mind seaming things together!

The Suzy Throw
By Chloe Thurlow
Rowan Magazine 71
In Rowan Cotton Cashmere Yarn

Then my sample balls of Rowan Sock arrived! (Thank you Rowan!) It was the blue, Ocean shade and my hubby immediately requested a pair of socks! I knit each of his socks from a separate ball, as he is a shoe size 10.5 and I knew he wanted the leg of his sock to be longer than shown in the Ilkley pattern from the Sock Collection book.

He really loves these new socks….and it turns out that I can get a pair of socks for him out of one ball….I’ll just make the leg maybe 5 rows shorter and all should be ok.

I ordered ALL of the shades from my LYS The Needle Emporium, well, because I’m a sock knitter now!

I really like the Ilkley pattern and have started a pair for myself in the Jewel shade.

This is a unique yarn - it is a single ply of wool played with the polyamide. It looks rather rustic, but it is so soft and my hubby tells me the socks are lovely and warm, not scratchy and very comfortable!

This is high praise from a Yorkshireman!

Our new home is really taking shape - and we are just about to start a kitchen/bath reno….wish me luck!!!

Lackie is doing ok, but has his aches and pains which are to be expected with a 13 year old dog. He now has a personal masseuse who visits once a week and gives him a massage….he has shown great improvement in mobility with this wonderful treatment - the healing hands of Stacie, who lives just up the road :)

Another thing we have done to adapt to his age is to get him a stroller….

He loves his ride - so we zoom along from the house, past the boring bits on the road, and when we get down to the path that leads to the lake, he wants out and he gets to sniff to his hearts content. This way I get some exercise too before he gets to the sniffy bit :) This has worked out really well … he is more alert and interested and gets to spend more time out enjoying his walks. We love this time of year and have to make the most of it!

Well, that’s all from me for today! If you are Celebrating Thanksgiving this weekend, enjoy!

Happy Knitting,

Anne x


  1. I have watched you for years and enjoyed you so much. I loved the picture of Lackie in the stroller. I have a fifteen year old chocolate toy poodle who also enjoys the stroller. She is not able to get out and walk any longer. She gets an Adequan shot every three weeks and Metacam twice a week. This has helped a lot. I am 80 years old and still love to knit. I prefer to make in pieces and sew together. I hope you continue making podcasts.


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