So long 2010.....

2010 was mostly a good year for us - 
We went on a vacation down south - 
we hadn't done this for years - we really enjoyed it!
 DH got an offer he couldn't refuse,
and retired one year earlier than we had planned - a delightful surprise!

DH went to the UK to visit his family and do a real "train" oriented trip.
 He had arranged for a line pass (this meant he could get right down on the track to take video) 
and as he'd been wanting to do this for years, this was a very satisfying trip for him.

I went to the UK to do a knitting weekend in London.
 I tried to resist, but resistance was futile - a very spontaneous thing for me!

With the Hubby Retired - we really got to enjoy the summer. 
 Barbecues on the deck,
afternoons reading out there, enjoying our yard. 

With the DH home, we go walkies with Lackie and Daisy about 3 times a week - hikes more than the Conservation areas that are close to us.

We still did our "annual" things - like going on the Segwun trip.

We did new things  - like day trips to Stratford, Cambridge, Orangeville, and
 let's not forget going to see the Harry Potter Exhibit 
at the Science Centre in Toronto - all wonderful adventures!

Our Caelee left us this year.....Lackie and Daisy still look for her under the chair.

So, as a reminder of 2010.........

All through the year we have enjoyed getting into the groove of our new retired lifestyle
and we have made some plans for 2011 already!
So I'm raising my glass, and saying....

 "Cheers to a fabulous 2011!"


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