I just couldn't help myself.....

What do you think this is Daisy?
I don't know, but it smells like something Mom always tells us to "leave it"!

Oh oh Lackie, someone is coming!

Hi Mom - us? We aren't doing anything....

Stash enhancement - two cones of Rowan Denim - Black for a sweater for the hubby - who will look spectacular in it!


  1. Naughty naughty Lackie! Daisy knows better :D

    I love Rowan Denim, although your hands will be dyed black while you're knitting.

  2. OMG - I can almost never resist yarn on cones - it's just so awesome!!!

  3. LOL! That's so typical! Perfect angels as soon as you walk into the room.

    Can't wait to see which pattern you'll make him.

  4. They both look so cute! Watch out wool, though.

    (Maybe this will work this time.)

  5. They are adorable - we love watching ours when they are getting into something, thinking they're getting away w/it. It's a hoot! Beasley always plays w/her ball near the curtain, then somehow, gets the curtain in her mouth - thinks she's it!

  6. LOL you two! Don't you know that Santa Paws is always watching?!!


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