2019 Wrap It Up!

The Life LDC November/December catch up is here!

Sock Tubes!

Plans for Life LDC in 2020!

My Motto for 2020 is....SHOP YOUR STASH FIRST!

Details and Links....

What I’m wearing.....Mousa, on Ravelry https://ravel.me/LifeLackaDaisiCal/m5

Johanne’s Knit N Stitch, Burlington, Ontario http://www.knitnstitch.ca/home.html

Johanne’s Socks vis Instagram

Koigu Yarn https://koigucanada.com/

Tanis Fibre Arts https://www.tanisfiberarts.com/

Springridge Farm https://www.springridgefarm.com/

Joyeux Noël
Frohe Weinachten
Vrolijk kerstfeest
Feliz Navidad

Merry Christmas everyone!

Anne x

Lackie says, Merry Christmas !

Coming next time....my 002 sweater designed by Martin Storey, using Rowan Yarns Island Blend held together with Kidsilk Haze!


  1. I am definitely with you on Shop-the-Stash for 2020. I love the yarn and knitting world online. I enjoy knowing we are such a wide and wonderful world out there. I want to do or try so many things. But it is hard to get grounded, isn't it? So whenever I get excited about something new "out there," I am resolved to go into my walk-in closet of yarn and get excited there instead! It will be very nice to have your encouragement

    At the same time, as you say, that doesn't mean one won't buy a single skein of yarn in 2020, but I am thinking, it shall be something I cannot supply from my stash and that will be worked on and completed and worn instead of adding to the stash.

    So lead on!

    Really enjoy your videos.


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