Why yes, I crochet!

I've dabbled in crochet.... Yes, I could do a granny square....a crochet edge....but following a written pattern was a challenge.

My FIRST official finished crochet project was.....

Design by Lisa Richardson in Rowan Felted Tweed.....
see all the details on my Frances Crochet Scarf Ravelry page!

The Frances Crochet Scarf was a sophisticated version of 70's wild and crazy crochet....I loved it then and still wear it often!

The huge light bulb moment for me came when I realized that to crochet....you had to start the row by getting to the height of the stitches of that next row. If you don't crochet, this might not make sense. 

To get a good grip on this concept, I crochet a "swatch cowl" and blogged about it here. There are links in this post to all of the Rowan Yarns crochet videos on Youtube!

Then came the Lisa Richardson CAL on the Rowan web site! 

Small gauge crochet! Scary!!!!

While I didn't do this CAL, I did complete each motif using Rowan Big Wool! What a great way to be able to see what you are supposed to be doing! 

More about this on my blog post...."Rowan Spring Crochet Along with Lisa Richardson".

So my skill confidence was growing.....then l I saw Marie Wallin's D'Arcy in Rowan's Magazine 58 ...things really got serious! 

Design by Marie Wallin in Rowan Fazed Tweed...
see all the details on my Delicious D'Arcy Ravelry page.

Darcy was the turning point for me! The body was a quick knit....then came the crochet sleeves! Should I have started with the sleeves? I don't think so...I might never have finished this project! It took three goes to get a finished sleeve....the first one being ripped out a couple of times before it was satisfactorily completed. I carried on and made two more "fresh yarn" sleeves...and kept that original swatch sleeve....which eventually became a cowl! Read all about that in this blog post...

Coming up next, my first full on crochet project!

Until then!

Happy knitting or crocheting!

x Anne
(with Lackie and Daisy lying on her feet...
reminding her that it is time for our walk)

PS:  Happy Easter Weekend everyone! 

#crochet #RowanYarns #knitrowanbyme #mariewallin #lisarichardson


  1. I have great admiration for anyone who can crochet. All I've ever been able to manage is a single crochet edging around a knitted hat. Your sweater is gorgeous! Happy Easter!

    1. A finish line is a great inspiration. Once the body of D'Arcy was complete...I had to get on with those sleeves!

      Happy Easter to you and your beautiful family ❤

  2. I've always wanted to delve into crochet a little bit more than just edgings and granny squares. You are brave!


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