10 Year Blog Anniversary!

Oh dear, I missed my official 10 year blog anniversary - my first blog entry was April 5, 2006 and it featured this photo....

Daisy had her own custom knit fair isle coat...which she loved to wriggle out of!

Daisy was always helping me with my knitting! 
She still does, but she is 12 now, and happy to curl up at my feet! 

Back then I was knitting fair isle (stranded) knitting a lot, using Jamieson's Shetland Spindrift yarn.
With stranded knitting, there are usually a lot of ends to be tidied up...
this can be very therapeutic :)

We had a cat, Caelee, and she ruled the roost!

Even the Hubby appeared in those first few tentative blog posts....here he is in this somewhat fuzzy photo wearing a sweater that I insisted he buy when we were on vacation in Shetland. He kept saying I could knit him one :) Yes, I could.....but this one was all natural shades of hand spun yarn, and was hand knit (in the round)....it is so soft and he still loves to wear it!

Ten years....originally the blog was called Shades of Shetland.

Ten years....a lot has changed in ten years.

Ten years....I'm still blogging! Amazing!

Happy Knitting

(with Lackie and Daisy at her feet....waiting to go on their walk :) )


  1. Happy blogging Anniversary!

  2. Happy Blogiversary Anne! I love that picture of Daisy, and the sweater your husband got in Shetland all those years ago is amazing. That's one of the great features of Shetland yarn. It will last years if treated well.

  3. Happy Blog Anniversary!
    Reading your blog is always a good moment I am looking forward to, so thank you for it!


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