Sock Surgery

This is a photo of a happy Husband...seriously happy...why?

Last week? Not so happy....that was me....
not so happy to see this hole in his sock!
These are his ONE AND ONLY pair of hand knit socks!

These are perfectly good socks.....I knit them back in 2006!
Yes I did....I checked my original photo of them...2006!

So I couldn't throw them was time for Sock Surgery!
First I used tiny 1.5mm needles and picked up a round of stitches,
just below where the sock shaping started!

Then I cut the toe off! Yes I did!!!
I tinked back a row to make sure I had 

Knit a couple of rows and reknit the toe!
This is +Rowan Yarns Fine Art in the shade "Rowan"

This was left over from the "Follow The Arrow 2" shawl
by Ysolda Teague...check our my 
"Purple Rose of Cairo" blog post!

When I got to the the last 7 stitches on each needle
....I knew I had to graft...
or Kitchener Stitch those live stitches!

I always have to look up how to you?
This video by +Pom Pom Quarterly  is THE BEST!

I found him on the couch today, happy as a clam :)
wearing his newly repaired socks.....reading OMG what's he reading?

He looked up and told me that he really liked the socks
on page 36, the Chunky Ribbed Walking Sock
done in the shade Chiff-Chaff (308) which would look
GREAT with his "Zen" sweater, done in
Fine Art Aran shade Bachata!

but first, he thought the other toe needed to be.....

OK OK, I give in! 

Happy Knitting!

xx Anne
(with Lackie and Daisy at her feet - on this snowy April 4th!)


  1. Now that is the perfect repair! Those gorgeous socks are worth it!


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