An Epic Knit-a-Long!

"Harry Harrods" has already claimed the new blanket in the house!
See my PS for the story of how Harry came to live with us!

Marie Wallin has started a twelve month (yes, a year long) Fair Isle Blanket Knit-a-Long!

When you join, you are sent your first square, detailed yarn requirements for each block, a beautiful portfolio (to store your patterns in) and a lovely project bag!

Each month thereafter, you receive details of the Fair Isle block for the month. Each block when finished measures 18" square.

The yarn used is +Rowan Yarns Felted Tweed.

Twelve 18" squares over Twelve Months - I'd say that was EPIC!

While Marie's design calls for the squares to be knit flat, I've decided to knit them in the round. You can see the steps of my process here in my Facebook photo album...where I will continue to post updates.

A 12 month fairisle blanket knit-a-long! design by Marie Wallin Designs. Knit in Rowan Yarns Felted Tweed.
Posted by Life LackaDaisiCal on Monday, 23 November 2015

I love fair isle....and I'm going to LOVE the finished blanket!

For more information on Marie's 2015 Blanket Club, visit the Marie Wallin Designs web site!
Membership is limited to 500!

This is NO mystery! Marie has shared the finished blanket design with us, so you know what you are signing up for! Fans of Marie's colour work are thrilled with the thought of having this luxurious, colourful blanket in 12 months time!

Marie is showing off her finished blanket,
precariously standing on chairs here in the
Rowan Green Lane Mill!

I've been there! Click through to read my posts about visiting
the Rowan offices June 2014, here and here

You can see the Novembers square - top row centre!
This square was based on Marie's Sage tunic,

which I'd love to knit...some day!

The December square is the one on the bottom right.....the colours are totally different than the first square! All the better to keep your interest going right?

I can't wait to see this square finished!

Have any of you joined the club?

Happy Knitting!

x with Lackie and Daisy at her feet :)


Harry Harrods came to Canada in September 2001. Hubby and I had just arrived in London for our UK Vacation....we'd picked up our car and were heading to our B&B just outside Telford. We decided to stop for a cup of tea at one of those service centres off the highway. When we walked in everyone was watching the know the rest! We were on vacation, but I just wanted to be home. British Airways weren't flying....9 days of no flying....they did start to fly a couple of days before we were scheduled to return home. Things are the airport were tense. I saw this adorable teddy bear in the Harrods Boutique at Heathrow....and decided he had to come home with us. I think I might have needed something to cuddle :) Going through the airport with him sticking out of the Harrods bag....I know he made a few people smile that day.


  1. That first square looks lovely Anne. I'm curious about the back of the blanket - will you be adding some backing, or just leaving the loose strands to eventually felt? Do you find the strands are catching on things? I'm still trying to finish my first fair isle cardigan, so definitely don't have time for this, but am still thinking about Martin Storey's upcoming blanket KAL as I so enjoyed the first one.

    1. I'm not sure yet, but I am leaning towards just cross stitching the "seam allowance" steek stitches down and letting that be a design element :) I don't think I want to line it...but you never know!

  2. The blanket will be a masterpiece, an heirloom, and a treasure you'll have forever to remember such a fun time in your life, right?

  3. How clever to knit the square in the round! And the first square looks very nice!

    1. Thanks Ute! I'd rather knit in the round than purl back...for me, in the round is easier! :)


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