Seasonal Transition...

This time of year I find it hard to get into the swing of knitting for Spring/Summer! 

I'll be honest, before becoming a Rowan Ambassador, I hardly (if ever) knit for for the Spring/Summer season! Perhaps in my mind I couldn't correlate Sweater with Spring/Summer. Well, they all begin with S don't they? That's a Start! Another S!!!!

Living here in Southern Ontario, we have all 4 Seasons, but I have to tell you.....Spring and Summer just sort of fly by. Perhaps that is why I have, in the past, just kept knitting along on my woollen projects....saving them up for the first Snow fall in October (big smile here)! (ok, enough with the S's already!)

Here it is, April 19 and I'm still wearing woollen sweaters. Although it was quite warm early this week, today there was a chill in the air and I wore my Emley, probably (hopefully) for the last time until the Fall.

I've been thinking about Summer knits since I swatched the "3 New Rowan Yarns for Spring/Summer 2015!" Trouble is, I liked all of them! That didn't help me to focus on just one.  

Last year I used two new yarns to knit three "summer" designs......

First I used my three sample balls of Rowan's Silkystones yarn to knit a shawlette...perfect to keep the chill off....either while outside on a summer evening, or while in the cool of air conditioning! 

"Brassy Kerchief"

Ravelry Project Page
Archive Blog Post

I loved the Silkystones yarn so much, that I decided to knit a Summer cardigan....which actually looks great with the tri-coloured shawl!

"Sunburst over Grassland"

Ravelry Project page
Archive Blog Post

Then I decided to swatch with the Pure Linen, and oh my goodness, much to my surprise I LOVED IT!

"Mermaid at Byron Bay"

Ravelry Project Link
Archive Blog Post

So while I was deciding on which one, two or three of the new S/S 2015 yarns to knit, I totally fell in love with...

Pure Linen 399 Patagonian
(one of the 3 new shades for S/S 2015!)
Isn't this an absolutely gorgeous shade!
This photo was taken with the late afternoon light
highlighting the subtle lustre of this yarn!

Seriously, the shades as shown on
just don't do this yarn justice.

When the RA's were visiting the Rowan mill last summer,
we spied these new shades in the yarn room!
Yes we DID!

I can tell you that there was quite a bit of
girlie squealing going on!
Yes there was!

I love these new brights....they are a perfect
addition to the fabulous neutrals in this yarn....see them all here.

While I was tempted to try my crochet skills on this gorgeous top
"Sieci" from Magazine 57,

I decided to do another fabulous Lisa Richardson design
 from the "Pure Linen Collection"

Can you guess which one?

Once I started, I have been knitting like mad!

Soon I'll have a new blue summer sweater to add to my wardrobe!

What about you? Are you knitting something summery? Tell me about it!

Happy Knitting,

(with Lackie and Daisy at her feet)


  1. Anne, your knitting is gorgeous and I loev the shades you choose. Looking forward to seeing the new summer sweater. :) Deb


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