The tree a day "Advent Adventure"

November 30 is the first day of Advent, so it seemed appropriate
 that I start my "tree a day" adventure today!

My first tree is the largest of the 3 designs.
My tree trunks will be in Rowan Felted Tweed Treacle (145)
and for my first tree, I went with a traditional green/gold
colourwy of Pine (158) for the tree,
and Gilt (160) for the fair isle accents.

ahhh, there was a "Hazelnut Heaven" chocolate behind that open door.....
but between the first and the second photo, I ate it! Sorry!

FYI - Thorntons Hazelnut Heaven - a delicious hazelnut truffle wrapped in our heavenly white chocolate! I can attest to this description!

Thank you to fellow Rowan Ambassador Konrad for reminding me that this was the first day of Advent.  I realized that if I wanted to have a finished garland for December 25...I needed to start today :) So I did!  The tree isn't actually sewn on the garland yet....but I did have a root around in my button box and found 3 adorable star buttons.  Now....should I go out and look for more star buttons, or just use up other lonely orphan buttons from my button box :)  

Although I don't practice any religion....I do believe in a higher entity.  This has been a retrospective year for me.  The loss of friends has made me think more clearly about my day to day life. Never will I take a new day for granted!  

I've never had an Advent Calendar - no never! This lovely Thorntons one will be enjoyed throughout the month, and I'll celebrate with a chocolate when I show you my tree of the day! Talk about incentive!  

Our Christmas Season started off last night with a trip into Toronto (the big city) to see a production of HMS Pinnafore by the University of Toronto Opera group.  While not a huge fan of Gilbert and Sullivan, the production was wonderful and I do have to say, the second half is most entertaining.  It was a great night spent with friends doing something unexpected for us!

The weather was perfect! After the show, we came out to this....the Philosophers Walk through the UofT campus, and that's the CN Tower in the distance all lit up in red!

Well, I am expecting and anticipating and preparing for a great December....and have a few plans made throughout the month to Celebrate the season with friends and family.  Yes, there will be a few presents I'm sure....but for me, this December is all about being present every day, enjoying every day...and a little tree a day will fit in nicely with my other knitting projects. 

Of course, sticking to a chocolate a day will be a bit of a personal challenge. (Just one?) If you know me at all, you know I LOVE CHOCOLATE!

What my blog buddies are up to.....

You must visit Konrad's blog and see his wonderful Ordie sweater that he has shared! 

Ute, another Rowan Ambassador is doing a bit of an Advent posting also....every year she....well, you need to go over to her blog Heute strick ich (Today I Knit) to see what's going on!

Claire is sharing the Nordic Garland challenge with me....check out her blog to see what she is posting....I think I beat her to the first finished tree :) Check out her blog Knit and Purl Garden......Did I? ha ha ha

Some other knitters are talking about joining the Nordic Garland knit-a-long. I'll be posting links....but a really easy way to catch everyone participating is if we all use the #RowanNordicGarland hashtag!  Another one I am going to use is #HandKnitChristmas 

It will be fun to see what everyone is making for Christmas!

OK....1 tree down....24 to go!

Are you with me?

You know you want to :)


#RowanNordicGarland #HandKnitChristmas


  1. These are so pretty Anne and I'm definitely IN !!

  2. I am in too...don't have a pattern but I will improvise ;) I just love those wee felted tweed trees :)

  3. I want to join you and Claire! We have a nice rainy day today--hopefully the start of a drought buster--so perfect for sitting down with a Christmas movie and knitting little trees!


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