I want to make these!

What do you think?  Over the knee socks - I'd better start knitting now to be ready for next winter....

Rowan Fine Art premium hand painted yarn - coming soon!

I am SO excited, that I'm taking a class with Kate Atherley at the DKC Frolic this weekend on how to make two socks at the same time!  I think it might cure my one sock syndrome.

Do you have trouble knitting that second sock?

(While we are waiting, don't forget to enter the contest to win a copy of the "All Seasons Chunky Collection" - how to enter is on the post below.)


  1. I am addicted to knitting socks. If I was told I could only knit one kind of accessory for the rest of my life I would pick socks. But these? It would take someone with way more dedication to sock knitting than me to knit them. Good luck!

  2. I hate to admit that I have never made one sock!


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