New Addition to my Blog List....

I don't know why this blog hasn't been listed in my blog list....because Veronique and I have actually met...yes, Veronique recognized me from my blog....we were both at an Alice Starmore presentation at the I Knit London knit event a few years ago.....that was the first time I went....anyway, I digress....

Veronique has a gorgeous blog....she knits, she crochets, she embroiders, she well is the master of all things fibre.....

Isn't this a gorgeous header!  Click on it to go directly to her blog.
She has a handy one click translation to English...for all of us that don't speak French!

In particular, this post caught my eye.....Keep Calm and Go To London!

Thanks Veronique!  I may need this list in a couple of weeks!


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