Crochet - from the 60's and 70's....and now!

It might have been me that bought the Learn to Crochet book....after all, I was a teen in the 60's and young and stylish in the 70's......and crochet was the in thing!

I spent a few minutes on Pinterest.....don't you just LOVE Pinterest! and found these photos of vintage crochet.  Gosh takes me back to wearing hot pants to work in the 70's with a crochet type top (that I'd bought) and platform shoes.  OMG!!!! No, I don't have any photos to share! LOL!!

Boy we sure loved bright colours back then....and I'm betting that most of the yarns used here were acrylics.  I love that photo of Bonnie and Dempsey - anyone remember them?

Today's Crochet can still be wild and wonderful, but it can be subtle and sophisticated.

The Frances scarf, originally designed for children, is done in 6 wonderful shades of Rowan Felted Tweed.....I had thought that I was going to change the shades up a bit, but with some swatching, have returned to the originals.

This is just the start of this project - it requires 36 centres like these....using the various shades....and then the last rounds of each piece join it all together.

This is going to be so much fun!

Happy Knitting and Crocheting too!


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