Watercolour progress.....

Project number three of the course is a tree, or a group of trees, in their autumn finery - bright red/orange/yellow leaves......this project is driving me crazy.....it's the rest of the inspiration picture that I don't like.....a scrubby piece of grass, a stick tree.....echhhhh......so I'm going to just totally ignore this one and go to our fourth project.....an Iris.....

Don't ask me why, but the mat is supposed to be white.......it's white in I Photo, not sure why it isn't white here -- the rest of the picture is representative of the colours in the picture (on my screen)....hmmm...

Well, anyway, this was a lot of fun - we drew the iris, masked it out, went to town with a crazy wet on wet background, with some drops of water, some sprays, some splashing.....I really loved the messy part LOL!

Then came the iris itself - it's called glazing - when you put one layer of watercolour over another - and build up the layers - this was fascinating and I want to do some more.....so, I'm going back to project 3, to apply the principles of project 4, and see what I can come up with.

Happy Knitting - yes, I'm knitting away on Color Affection and totally loving it.


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