I've fallen....

off my yarn diet LOL!  I did make it through January LOL!!!

I knew it was not a good idea to go with friends to THE NEEDLE EMPORIUM (say it loud with an echo)......

The lace tips are about 2" shorter than the regular Addi Click tips - and you can see that they are pointier! (very technical description)
You can buy them separately, as well as 16" and 20" cords - these short cords don't work with the longer tips!
I had ordered some Addi Turbo Lace Needle tips......I didn't want the whole set, just a few of the shorter lace tips to use with my Addi Click system, when knitting smaller circumferences.  Julie ordered them and they were there, ready for me to pick up.

I asked some friends if they wanted to join me on a road trip to Ancaster........5 of us in total went happily off to Julie's shop of yarn enchantment......me hoping that I could shop vicariously through my knit buddies (I know - seriously delusional!).

I have to admit it, I AM SO WEAK LOL!

Have you seen the latest must knit shawl on Ravelry - it's called Color Affection, and for a while there it was only available in kit form from The Plucky Knitter.  But as of February 1, it was available to purchase as a pdf pattern.  The designer, Veera Välimäki, is relatively new to me, but a few of her designs I now realize have caught my eye.....her web site is Rain Knitwear, and of course she has a Ravelry shop also.

Well, I've been looking at this and thinking how lovely it would be done in......Madeleintosh Merino Light of course!  I do have some of this yarn in my stash, but the combination of this new pattern, and the fact that Julie  had just received I don't know how many new shades of "Tosh", well, I can tell you that my heart was pounding, and I could hardly breathe!  Seriously, IT WAS A MEDICAL EMERGENCY!

So, the only thing was to give myself a shot of Tosh to get me through it....well, 2 shots of Tosh because as usual I couldn't make up my mind and all of the shades were just so wonderful!!!!
Onyx, Manor and Mica
Earl Grey, Amber Trinket and Kale
But as with all rushes, you know what I mean - eat that candy bar and ten minutes later you are on a sugar high type of rush....well after the rush of the Tosh wore off, I felt YARN REMORSE!

So, back to the 2012 Yarn Diet guide......

I'm going to take this as a great lesson - yes, this was a little treat (allowed per the 2012 guidelines LOL!) but honestly, I didn't need this treat.  I already have some Tosh, and (hiding my head in shame) when I got home I wanted to put all of the Tosh together in a bin to make a lovely collection of Tosh to fondle and pet....well darn it all, I couldn't find the previously purchased Tosh!  I know it is around here somewhere.  That is telling me, well, shouting at me, that I MUST take charge of my yarn.  (While typing this I had an idea, and YES, there it is - the missing Tosh - so now all of my Tosh is in one rubbermaid bin......they look lovely.....and I will remember where they are this time!  (TOSH label on the bin!)

So back on the yarn diet......I am bundling up a big pile of boucle and ribbony stuff to take/donate to a local charity that has a huge craft room and loves this kind of thing.......

I am still going to destash some more.....but I think I'll do it via the Ravelry Stash page, it's honestly too embarrassing to keep doing it here on my blog LOL!!!  By putting it on Ravelry, knitters who are interested in the yarn will find it when they search to see if there is any available from another knitter for sale - it's a much more relaxing way to destash - put it out there and they will come!

This whole destash on the blog has made me shy away from blogging.....I don't want to record here for posterity my failings and failures.

This blog has always been a journal for me to keep track of the great things in my life, and that's where it's going to focus on again......no more winging about stash!  From now on, just fun stuff, like Daisy and Lackie (constant sources of laughter), retired life with the DH, our travel, my knitting, my attempts at painting, whatever makes me happy.

Big sigh, I feel better......

Happy Knitting!


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