Expanding horizons.....

I knit.....A LOT
I read....A LOT
I have 2 dogs that like to play, with me, A LOT
I have a hubby, he likes to be fed....occasionally.......
then there are the normal things like grocery shopping, dusting, laundry, well, you know.....
it seems that each day goes by in a flash....like it's already February 2012 - where did 2011 go?

So, do I need another hobby????

I have always wanted to try painting with watercolours.....so when the new Milton Arts Centre in town opened with beginner and intermediate Watercolour Painting....well, I signed up.....once a week for 10 weeks.

The beginner class happened before Christmas......it was frankly a blur - lots of technique info packed into each class.....frankly, too much info for a total beginner like me.....but I did realize that I liked it, and I wanted to do more.

The winter schedule offered both beginner and intermediate classes again - unfortunately the beginner class didn't fill up, so I bumped myself up to the intermediate class......a little nervous, but what the heck, it's only paper, pigment and water.........you need some brushes too LOL!

This class is taking it much slower - we are learning how to take a scene, from a photograph, decide on the perspective for our painting, how to pick the shades we are going to use in the painting (not too many now!), how to mix the right shades, and how to fix our mistakes (very important).

We start with a photocopy of a photograph - the photocopies aren't the greatest.....and that is good because we have to interpret the photograph.  In class we are all learning the techniques and even though we are following the technique lessons from the instructor, we are all coming up with our own versions of the same painting.

We started with this.....

It has taken 3 classes to finish our first painting.........what do you think?

We are working on 1/8 sheets for this class......good size paintings that well, look like paintings!  I'm quite happy about this project - I learned a lot and I'm really looking forward to our second project.

Off to finish the homework for class this week.....then I'm going to sit down and knit.


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