Books and Knitting...

seem to go together.

So many of us knitters are avid readers......I love a good book and will stay up very late reading....
I was really looking forward to this book as I love P.D. James, and I really enjoyed Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. The idea of a sequel to P&P sounded fabulous....

Unfortunately the book itself isn't that great - sorry P.D. - but I found this totally boring... with minimal interaction between Darcy and Elizabeth...and precious little story, with an ending that just pops out of hints, no intrigue, no nothing......for me that is.

Any of you read this - what did you think?
I just picked this up yesterday at Indigo's in Milton - it's great to have a big book store only 8 minutes away!

I have read every Inspector Lynley book by Elizabeth George....I LOVE HIM, er, I LOVE THESE BOOKS.  I love Lynley in the books...I am not overly fond of the character as portrayed by Nathaniel Parker in the BBC "The Inspector Lynley Mysteries".  Nothing against Nathaniel, but he's tall and dark, Lynley is tall and blonde - and to an avid reader like me who has a picture of Lynley in their mind...well, this just didn't do it for me.  Other than that, the series is good like most BBC productions.  

So back to the book.......Even though I have a Kobo and I buy e-books, I have every Elizabeth George Lynley in hard back, and I do like to go back and start from the beginning every few I will continue to collect these in hard cover. As a book lover though, I have the same problem with books as I do yarn LOL!!!  Oh well.....on to the knitting....
While on the Scotland and England tour in September, we spent a day at Rowan - remember?  

We couldn't buy yarn at the Rowan Mill (they should call it their head office LOL because there isn't much yarn there at all!) so we stopped at the yarn shop in Holmfirth - Up Country.  It's a cute little shop - sells clothes and shoes and a jumble of stuff on the first floor....and the yarn is on the second floor.  
I picked up a ball of the Rowan Kaffe Fasset Kidsilk Haze Stripe - we had been given a preview of it at Rowan earlier that day, and the shop had some, so of course a lot of us bought a ball.  No patterns were available yet, but there was a free scarf pattern and I use this as my "I'm too tired to think very much" project.

Like so many simple knits, it is taking me a while to finish as I get bored, it gets tucked somewhere out of sigh (out of mind) and I do other things.  But I've decided to FINISH this is now my "5 rows every night" project - and I am making significant progress.  I would say I am over half way through the the scarf is almost 5 feet long!!!!

The colours in it are beautiful......and although I'm now thinking they really aren't my shades......if I decide I don't like it, I'll gift it to one of my non-knitting friends.  That might mean that I'll have to knit a few more of these... I'll have to rethink LOL!

Boreal is coming along.......when I got to the row where the pattern shifts - background becomes foreground shade and vice versa, well, my brain had a hard time with this and much tinking back was done.....I only have a row or two to go and then I will be knitting the sleeves.......I really would like to get this done in time to wear it this Winter.  It calls out for photos taken with lots of snow.

Excuse me, I have to go knit!
While we here in Canada (at least in Southern Ontario) are having a very mild winter, Europe is suffering with extreme cold - stay warm over there!

Happy Knitting everyone! 


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