Vogue Early Fall 2011

When Lee Ann contacted me earlier this year - way earlier - about the "Made in Canada" column in Vogue Knitting - to be honest, I was in a knitting slump.  It had been a long winter.  Our traditional Canadian cold winter, which is hard to handle sometimes was made even more tedious by the lack of a winter vacation.....remember St. Lucia last year ?  I certainly do!!!!

I was trying to decide what knitting path to forge down next...and Lee Ann's call reminded me of my FI 101 Class that I originally put together for an on-line group called Knitting Beyond the Hebrides. (I'm not sure how active this group still is....I put myself on hold at one time and honestly forgot to reactive myself - if anyone reading this knows.....let me know either in a comment or by e-mail ok?)

So, in honour of the honour of being reported on in this issue of Vogue Knitting....I propose to revive my Basics of Fair Isle on-line tutorial (my FI 101 Class) here....new videos and photos....incorporating what I did before and updating it with additional information.

First topic?  How do YOU knit!  Do you throw with your right?  Do you knit in the continental manner - holding the yarn in your left hand and picking with the right needle?  Can you knit both ways? or do you use another style of knitting?

Please answer my Poll at the top of the left column of my blog - yes, right there above the "About Me" section.  This Poll will be up for a week......hopefully to catch as many blog readers as possible.

Why do I ask?  Because inquiring minds want to know.  Also, it's fun to know this kind of detail about my blog readers....and perhaps it might influence the videos I create for the FI 101 series of posts.

OK readers - VOTE!


  1. Yes, KBTH is still around and going strong. As a matter of fact, today there is a very active thread going that is discussing the history of the group, past members and the virtual conferences that have occurred.


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