
I wanted to include this photo yesterday - but somehow it got missed - so here's another photo of the Easter Bunny!  It's Friday on our trip and we have a full day in London before we embark on "The Great Britain IV" - so off to do some sightseeing!
This is a closeup of the Easter Bunny and Tea Pots outside of the Dorchester - how adorable!

This was officially Alan's first time over the Millennium Bridge - on our last visit together we "thought" we were on the Millennium Bridge but we weren't LOL!!!  
We were on our way here - our first visit to "The City of London".  This was one of those "one thing leads to another" moments - while watching Hereafter - the final scene was the Matt Damon character sitting in a London market - I searched and searched to find THE market  and this is it.....the Leadenhall Market.

Quite the contrast here -- right next door is the Lloyd's of London ultra-modern
building with the elevators that run on the outside!
From the Lloyds building - you can see "The Gherkin"
That's what Londoner's affectionately call
the Swiss Reinsurance Company building.
Walking back we got a clearer picture of the Lloyd's building - amazing!


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