The Sleeve...

Sleeve Charting
(playing with colour saturation on this photo)

So I've cut my sleeve steeks and tried my sweater on.....looking at it with a fresh eye as now it is actually on my person.

I did make it a little longer...and I'm looking at where the sleeve will hit my arm because to correspond with where the pattern falls on the body, where it meets under the armhole, and having to make the sleeve end with the main pattern and the garter stitch band, well, it's just a little longer than it should be or a little shorter than it should's just not right.

A decision must be made!

I've decided to go for full length I copied the chart, stuck it together, counted the stitches that I've picked up around the armhole opening for the sleeve, figured out how many rows it takes, decreasing every 4 rows.....a few decreases right away at the underarm......and marked up the chart with each decrease.....and we're ready to go.

Lorraine calls this sleeve island.....when you are stuck knitting sleeves and it feels like you will never escape.

I hope to break out soon...


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