The Grimes Challenge!

I'm a big fan of Martha Grimes......the Richard Jury series.....I've got all the novels -- well, I thought I did.....

Turns out I was missing one, and that got me to thinking........I've been reading these over the past 20+ years........I must have forgotten a lot about these novels, the character growth, the loves I've decided this summer to read them, starting from the beginning, in order....

Here's the list, cut and pasted from the Martha Grimes web site.
I'm also going to knit this summer, for pleasure. I've been in a knitting funk and I couldn't decide whether I was in a funk and couldn't knit, or was it that I wasn't knitting and that's why I was in a funk?
So, after deliberation, I decided to go back to my original inspiration, the incomparable Alice Starmore.....and after looking at a lot of the finished project photos on Ravelry (what did we do before Ravelry?), I decided on..........
The Roscalie Vest from In the Hebrides......this was what made me decide......
Carolyn in Alaska said.......... Fun, fast, and easy!
That's exactly what I need! So I've cast on, and what I'll do is alternate blog posts - one day a Grimes update, the next as Roscalie update.
I'm going to have a bit of time to do this in the next little while -- I'm having dental surgery tomorrow and I'll be out of commission for a week to 10 days -- lots of knitting and reading time....that's why it was important to have a plan - Grimes and Roscalie - a great combo!

First up - The Man with a Load of Mischief, 1981


  1. OOoh... I love mysteries and Martha Grimes is a "new" author, to me, at least. I'll have to try one.

    I have been on a similar quest... re-reading the Hamish Macbeth series by M.C. Beaton, and loving them!

    Enjoy Roscalie! Which colorway are you knitting?

  2. Best wishes for your dental surgery. (Is that what one says for dental surgery?--you get the intention, anyway.) Now you have me interested in that author. I loved knitting my Roscalie Cardigan before I had to put it into hibernation.

  3. Sure can understand knitting "funk". Hope your project can snap you out of it. Take care of yourself and don't push it after your surgery. Healing is a trying time. Knit, read, repeat for the next 5 months and you should be ready for skiing season next winter.

  4. I'm a big Martha Grimes fan... I read and keep all her books, though books by others get traded in after reading. I think I'll join you in your re-reading this summer. It sounds like fun. Her characters always bring a wry smile to my face. (I am secretly in love with Melrose Plant.)

    Carol in OR

  5. Anne- Wishing you a speedy recovery. Sometimes we lose sight of the fact that knitting is supposed to give us joy and pleasure.

    Sounds like a wonderful plan to me.

  6. I believe that I'll join you in your read-along! Good Luck with your surgery..


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