
I don't read Ian while I was enjoying this movie last night I had no idea what was coming!

4 out of 5 knitting needles!

I've just finished some "invisibility cloak" I'm hoping to get back to some blog-worthy knitting soon!


  1. I actually liked the movie better than the book. I keep trying to like Ian McEwan but can't. But the movie was very good!

  2. I liked the movie too. My husband, however, was so disgusted with the ending I thought he was going to try to get his money back from Netflix.

  3. See, what Sonya said! But, I think I'm going to have to watch it again.

    So...what's the stealth knitting?!!

  4. I originally watched the movie because someone I'm on a sewing chat with wanted to reproduce the green dress. But I got hooked, and I LOVEd the movie. And I had no idea what was coming either.


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