"He's just not that into you!"

I was fortunate to attend a preview of the movie "He's just not that into you" last night.
Set in Blatimore, with a fabulous ensemble cast --
Ben Affleck
Jennifer Aniston
Drew Barrymore
Jennifer Connelly
Kevin Connelly
Bradley Cooper
Scarlet Johansson
Justin Long
Every young woman who has agonized over what that guy she just met thinks about her, is he going to call?, he said he'd call!, should I call???
REALLY needs to watch this and get a grip!!!!
I went with a group of friends -- we're all of the same age and we've all been there once (or twice) in our lifetimes.....so it was a great girls night out movie for us "mature" movie goers, and it would be great movie night out for everyone young and old.
I give it 4 out of 5 Knitting Needles!


  1. Okay, if it is 4 out of 5 needles, it must be worth the time. Will see it in theatre even.

  2. Oh ugh! I don't miss those games!
    Yeah! Get a GRIP! *sigh* :)


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