It's like Christmas around here!

Today felt like Christmas.......

The post man brought me this......
You can see that Daisy approves!

I went to my LYS to pick up this........
It's Cascade 220 -- A chat on Ravelry showed that some of us have never knit with Cascade 220 - imagine! Well, it is THE MOST POPULAR yarn on Ravelry.....ranked no. 1 with 28,271 projects! So, I took it upon myself to get a skein from my LYS, Main St. Yarns in Milton Ontario where Carolyn has a wall of this stuff - 100 shades of solids and gorgeous heathers!!!
and surprise, surprise, Carolyn had this for me too...... My AddiTurbo click system....complete with little gold heart pin!!! (I'd ordered it a long time ago!)
Life is good......
Happy Knitting


  1. Oooh la la! Look at that fancy click system in its fancy box. I wish I had ordered one.

  2. Enjoy your new toys with your new yarn! FUN! FUN! FUN!

  3. Wow- Christmas is all year for you.

    I have needle envy.

  4. Let us know how you like those Turbo Clicks.

    I love Daisy!

    Cascade 220 was my first yarn...


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