FO - Almost

I wanted to knit a sweater for the poor DH this year -- and I did. Here it is, Thwaite, from the Rowan British Sheep Breeds book. If you are on Ravelry, check out my Thwaite details - I'm fairislefanatic.
Unfortunately, Alan's arms have somehow shrunk over the holidays -- I swear I had him try on the body of the sweater and I measured how long the sleeves should come his arms shrunk 3" !!!

It's one of those mysteries of life.
I did make a matching hat -- the front bands and collar are K1P1 he has a ribbed hat to match.
Happy New Year - good knitting to all!


  1. Great photo! I love those buttons & color & that it smells like sheep & beautiful tree & DH too!

    (I think his arms shrunk from all that heavy lifting of yarn that 'certain people' ordered! ;) I know! I have to get over it!!)

  2. Great sweater! And, the wearer looks pleased as punch. Happy New Year!

  3. Beautiful sweater! He'll be warm even if his arms have shrunk. I love the buttons.

  4. It looks great! I'll have to go read about the details on Ravelry.

    You got it finished in time too...
    (I never seem to manage that "small" detail!)
    Happy New Year!

  5. What a cooperative DH you have! I can hardly get mine to be still for any photo, let alone a blog photo.

    (I'd comment on the beauty of the sweater but I'm not getting a lot of detail on the iPod screen. I'm sure it truely is a thing of beauty.)

  6. Great sweater!

    Too annoying that Alan allowed his arms to shrink like that. Husbands. Harumph. :)

  7. Anne- Very nice and I adore the buttons.

    Stuff does tend to shrink on men. LOL.

  8. Well, I think their arms shrink because they flex their biceps and puff out their chests when we measure them.......

    Nice sweater! I like the buttons, too. I'm waiting to see the DUXBURY sweater, Anne!

  9. Happy 2009 to you too Anne!

    What a great sweater - and the perfect buttons.

  10. what an excellent fit!

    the sweater looks really nice!


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