No Sheep were harmed in this.....

Rumour has it that Simply Shetland, the North American distributor of Jamieson's Spinning Shetland yarns is going to be introducing a few new (old) shades to the shade card. Of course, all of this hasn't been confirmed (or denied)....and if it's true, we don't know exactly when these new shades will be available.....
I'm currently rounding up the usual suspects for questioning.....and I'll let you know as soon as anything has been confirmed.

Happy Knitting


  1. I knew it! I knew those sheep had to live somewhere......fobbing us off with the white and black sheep all these years....

  2. Anne- Get the interrogation lamp out- we need to know about those colours!

  3. Hmm, a coincidence that the sheep are dyed in Autumn in Oregon colors?

  4. WOW! Great sheep picture.

    I sure enjoyed reading about "Fair Isle" vs Faroese knitting. I had never heard of Faroese stranded knitting, although I did know that Faroe was not part of the Shetland Islands.
    I do have to admit that I refer to FI knitting to cover all the AS patterns... even the ones without XOXO.


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