Daisy Loves the Snow!

Daisy is enjoying the snow that is still on the deck -- hopefully soon it will be gone -- but this was a fabulous winter!


  1. She is soooooo cute.

    It was a nice winter but I think it's on the way out.

    I got a little something for you from the rock. Hope to see you soon!

  2. What a little cutie! Our snow is still lingering and I am longing for spring.

  3. Daisy blends right in, too! It looks as though she enjoyed the snow as much as our dog. Does she eat it, too? Our dog stops drinking water in the winter and just eats snow. She's a bit forlorn now that it's almost gone, but she rediscovered a forgotten pleasure this morning---digging up the grass!

  4. aww, so cute! Flour loves the snow too, but doesn't roll around in it. Just rubs it all over herself until she's covered in snow balls :)
    She's going to miss the snow.

  5. Oh! She's so cute! Making her own doggie snow angel! I love it!

    Yes, those automatic settings are confusing! Anything that needs to be programed I give to DH! LOL!! :)

  6. I love that dog. Daisy is more famous that any dog I know. And cute beyond words. Did you know that Pru has a Westie? His name is Spike. You two must compare Westies. I have a picture of him pretending to be a white rug...sound asleep.

    How did you get the U Tube thing to work? Fabulous. Brought a smile to my face for sure.

    Thanks Anne.

  7. Awww, Daisy!

    I love seeing her commercials (and you're so right - Morag looks nothing like Daisy! Sheeesh...).

  8. Yep, she's a real snow dog all right - what a ham! Spike too. He loves to roll, burrow and rub his face in it. He's at his funniest when there is a thin crust of ice on top of deeper snow and he falls through a couple of inches - it doesn't bother him in the slightest and gives us endless entertainment.

  9. I SAW THAT POSER- she's a Daisy wannabe!

    We all know that Daisy is the real star!

  10. Aaaawwww! That is too cute! Time for spring though, eh? :)


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