Bohus Wristlets - FO!

Last Saturday, I attended a Bohus Workshop by Susanna Hansson - put on by the Kitchener-Wateroo Knitter's Guild, of which I am a member.

In addition to a fabulous presentation on the history of Bohus knitting -- not a traditional Swedish knitting style, but more of a fashion style developed in Sweden, knit by a group of women who needed to help support their families for a 30 year period 1939-69 -- we were treated with the opportunity of knitting one of the fabulous Bohus designs, in the authentic yarns (well as authentic as one can get these days) in the form of wristlets.

Here are my Bohus Blue Shimmer Wristlets -- they are stunningly beautiful, and gorgeously warm to wear!

Also in attendance at this Workshop were Sally Melville, knitter extraordinaire who was the founding member of the KW Guild; Renee, aka Froggie Meanie, designer of the Cherished Pullover; Michelle of In Yarn Veritas (who brought along her Autumn Rose sleeves) - check out her blog report on the Bohus Workshop; and Carolyn, my LYS owner and fabulous knitter, who although allergic to Angora, chomped down hard on a knitting needle and knit all day with the angora blend yarns that we were using.

These designs are being recreated in yarns replicating the orignal yarns an dyed to the exact original shades by Solveig Gustafsson a Swedish dyer extraordinaire -- and she offers kits for the Bohus designs on her web page. I do have to confess to ordering a kit for the Wild Apple design, complete with yarn for the matching hat and scarf -- just to be sure to have enough of this gorgeous yarn. I have a modified design in mind, which I hope will do justice to the original. (Some day knitting....)

Just in case you are still contemplating the aforementioned Cherished Pullover design -- here's a photo of these cool pink plastic envelopes that I got to package up my "special" kits for this design -- they are a lovely colour and hold the 10 balls of yarn and pattern perfectly!

We have had a snow fall of 50 cm here in Shades of Shetland land -- that's 20 inches -- that's a lot of snow to shovel! Thank goodness I like snow!


  1. Did you see the pic of yourself knitting over on my blog? You take such a nice picture!

    I'm a little jealous that you've ordered a bohus kit already. I've primed DH to get me one as a gift (I think I'll asterisk my top three and let him choose).

    The Cherished kit looks so sweet! Almost makes me want to knit another one ;)

  2. Love those Bohus wristlets! They go well with your jacket, too.

  3. Those wristlets are beautiful. And you'll love the Wild Apple. I received the kit for Christmas and have finished the yoke and am slogging through the miles of stocking stitch. The ethereal beauty of the yoke and the softness of the yarn makes it all worthwhile, though (and I've started the colour work of "Cherished" as a bit of an antidote). I just wish I'd found out about Susanna's workshop before it was over. I think I'm going to have to join a knitter's guild so I don't miss out on good things like this again!

  4. I love those wristlets! My colors! Sounds like a fun class. I wish I lived closer so I could have gone with you gals. That Apple color will look great on you.

    You had to show me the pink bag!

    Hope Daisy finds her way home in the snow... with a snow face! :)

  5. Oh they're gorgeous and the colours mute so well together. A bohus is on my project list to do. Just need to make up my mind which one.

  6. I read with great interest your plan of creating a modified design for your Wild Apple. I too am doing that. I'd been so happy about finally ordering the Wild Apple kit, but after knitting five inches into the yoke, I ripped it all out. I am now redesigning it a bit, while keeping the original flavor. Good luck to us both!


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