It's all about socks

I'm stalled on Duxbury Point -- and I needed some relatively mindless knitting.

When I was down in Santa Fe, I indulged in a spot of Opal shopping.....Opal sock yarn that is.....

So guess what I'm knitting.....Daisy is always happy to help model.....but the socks are actually for the Hubby -- this is a major milestone for me to knit something for him for Christmas - poor guy!

I've been distracted from my knitting lately -- but I've finally figured out that it's my knitting that I need to distract me from other goings you'll be seeing more knitting soon.

Happy Knitting


  1. Ruth M. in Ottawa20 December 2007 at 15:26

    Anne, those socks are beautiful! What colourway of Opal did you use? Have a great Christmas and all the best for 2008!

  2. Hmmm, I cannot resist. Now you only need to knit your Hubby, that sweater he have lustered for, for years. I am very close to volunteer to do it for you....poor man!!*GRIN*

  3. Oh, cutie photo of Daisy! Hope you get to finish those socks for hubby in time!
    I'm hoping to finish my sock for me in time for xmas too!

  4. Love the colour of those socks, Anne! And your Daisy is adorable - so cooperative...

  5. Anne- I think Alan will be relieved that he's not getting the sweater. Don't feel too guilty, I have it on good authority that he looks terrific in a Fair Isle.

  6. Anne, The socks are fab, and Daisy looks great in those colours ... how about a matching jacket for her? Next Christmas maybe. Don't give up on Duxbury Point, believe it or not it does become more mindless as you go and could certainly provide a good distraction. I've finished front and back and have about 4 inches of one sleeve knitted, but doubt I will get much farther in time for Christmas. It won't be the first time DH has unwrapped a Partial Sweater on Dec 25th, lol (and BTW I did spy a box in his office with your return address on it - can hardly wait!).
    Merry Christmas and very best wishes for 2008.

  7. Daisy looks so sweet, all curled up in a ball like that!

    Have a wonderful Christmas Anne!


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