Knitting "fringe"

That's how I like to think of all of the ends when you start/stop shades used in a fair isle.

Sometimes I weave the new shade in and then weave the old shade out as I go around.....but Autumn Rose changes both shades at the same time......and I didn't want to weave two strands in and two strands out at the same time, if you know what I mean.....

So, I just knit merrily away -- knowing that some day (soon) I'd have to deal with the ends.

It's not so bad -- just sit down with your sharp needle, a small pair of scissors, and a good movie, and get weaving!
Once I've got a section finished, I clip off the excess yarn leaving about 1/4 inch to allow for any ease needed when blocking.

Now I have to graft the underarm stitches together.

Then, cut the steek!

I'm hoping Autumn Rose will be finished this weekend.

Happy Knitting


  1. Your Autumn Rose colors are gorgeous. I can't wait to see the finished sweater. It is a beautiful pattern Anne.

  2. Anne.. I was just watching Lucy Neatby's DVD (Knitting Essentials 2) on steeking. She changes colors inside of the steek - and when she sews the front steeks - she brushes the ends out of the way so they won't catch in the seam - and she never weaves them in - just clips them off. Does that make sense? Do you think that would work for Autumn Rose? I HATE to weave!


  3. of thats smart to not trim the ends until after you block, never occured to me!! I'll hope I remember to do that when I finish this 10 years from now hah.

  4. Love the colors!
    Just beautiful!

    Yay! Cutting the front steek!
    Clapping hands! Big smile!

    Can't wait to see how the design lays in front! m :)


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