One day at a time....

It's been one day at a time around here lately.

Murphy has been visiting with Daisy. After about 6 days of constant wrestling, Daisy and Murphy settled down and became buddies.

Finally, some peace and quiet. We got to watch a movie or two, and I got to do some knitting, always with a companion or two.

Murphy goes home tonight -- I think Daisy will miss him!

While Murphy was visiting, we were dealing with passing of a dear friend -- she was 87 and the last few years of her life were very restricted. After the funeral, I started to clean out her apartment. Her Cousins came over to pick up mementos to remember her by.

This was just another reminder that the material things in life are there to enjoy, not to be tucked away in a cupboard for that perfect "occasion". Get out your good china, use it every Sunday - use it whenever you want to! Don't save those "for best" sheets for when company stays over...use them for yourself......enjoy every day, one day at a time.

Our friend had done some travelling in her later life. We found photograph albums recording trips to Hawaii, Australia, New Zealand, Alaska, Bermuda, the UK and various spots in the US. This travelling was after her DH had passed away at 59 -- too bad they didn't do more travelling together, but you always think that you'll do it later, when the kids are older, when the house is paid for, when whatever is it now!

Don't stress over what happened yesterday, and don't worry about what may happen tomorrow! Be in the present. Enjoy today.

So today, I'm doing something I've always wanted to do......things have come together in the past few months, the purchase of a lap top, high speed wireless Internet access came to my area, and now, today, I'm sitting on my deck, blogging while listening to the birds singing, the peacock down the road doing it's thing, Target, the donkey next door is quiet at the moment, and Murphy is barking at an invisible squirrel while Daisy is finishing her morning chewy on the deck. (Murphy ate his in about 2 minutes and then tried to take Daisy's from her -- I intervened once and gave the chewy back to Daisy and she's still chomping on it now -- a half hour later -- she's so ladylike when she has a chewy.)
I wanted to do this early, before it got too hot and humid to be outside. There will be plenty of time for housework later.

I'm working on a sleeve of the Autumn Rose sweater - and I don't know if you can see in the photo -- my screen saver is a Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix poster. July 13 is this Friday, and 'll be at the first showing at the local theaters here in town.

By the end of today, I should have this first sleeve done and be starting the next one. Then the body is done to the underarm, the sleeves and body are united, and off we go -- this is a great way to knit a sweater and it will solve my problem with losing momentum for a project after the body is done.


  1. Hi Anne- That's a really great family shot, with you and the Westies!
    Intriguing way of doing the sweater, you get the sleeves done first.

    Such amazing yarn- life is good!

  2. Thanks for the reminder to enjoy every day and don't save/wait - do it now. That's why I'm blogging now! :)
    Glad that Daisy & Murphy are getting along - very cute photo.
    Sleeves first eh? I don't enjoy doing sleeves, so it would work for me. m :)

  3. We all certainly need to enjoy life while we can!

    Daisy and Murphy, they're SO cute together! I still see Daisy commercials on TV...

  4. Oy, one more blog to watch over. Love your knitting...the Fair Isle, and the look of the yummy yarns!!*GRIN* It is West Highland white Terriers.....right?? They are so sweet!!:-)


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