Knitting Karma Restored....

I don't know about you, but everything has to be "right" for me to really get the most out of my knitting. When things are "right", I get great joy and peace out of my knitting. But things have to be right....

when my TV goes out 4 days prior to it's 1 year purchase anniversary, things aren't right!

when it takes almost 2 weeks for the Sony Authorized Service people to come to fix it, that's not right!

when the Sony Authorized service man makes up excuses to not come, that's definitely not right and it really annoys me!

Fortunately, the Sony man came last Friday and things were better......

but then, Daisy decided to go on a little trip, on her own. Well, not on her own -- with her new friend "V". Who is "V" you say? Why did she come between me and my Daisy?

Well, Daisy spent this week in the big TO (Toronto if you didn't know) with a bunch of high flier type TV people....well, they are commercial people....and she, along with two of her cousins, were hired for a commercial shoot -- yes, of course it's a dog food.....can you guess which one?

I guess it's true what they say, making movies isn't as easy as it looks, and it's pretty tiring for a pampered pet to spent 3 nights away from home, have a personal handler, be fed gourmet food, and general be even more spoilt than usual! She's finally home, and making the most of it!

I did manage to get some knitting done and Alcea is now at the neckline, which I'm figuring out on Stitchpainter right now!

Happy Knitting!


  1. Hi Anne- My goodness, yes, we all like our creature comforts.
    And I can see that Daisy sure has a hard time of it.

  2. No kidding! How exciting for Daisy! Will this commercial be shown in the US?

    Will you be showing a picture of Alcea soon? Don't forget that I'm following your every move on it....keep notes because there is no way I can keep up with your flying fingers! I'm on row

  3. Well, la de da Daisy! Make sure you let us know what commercial she'll be on, and when they start to air!

    So, when do we find out which design you've chosen for the colourwork challenge?!

  4. What a hassle to get your tv fixed! So glad it came right in the end.

    Daisy's a star! (well, we know she was one before this anyway) Hope the commercial shows down here...

    Can't wait to see Alcea's progress.

  5. Oh no about the TV!(I know, I'm late) and poor overworked Daisy. The life isn't all glamour, you know. ;)

  6. I just dropped by in time to read about Daisy. My, she is famous.
    What I want to know is,"Does she have an agent?"

    I hope you feed her lots of steak so she can recuperate from her film career.

    How adorable she is.


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