Hot Topics for today.....

LES Update -- it's been two weeks now, and I am still amazed that I can see without my pop-bottle bottom glasses! It seems like a miracle. Both my eyes are "set" for distance -- so I still need to use reading glasses -- for reading and for computer work.

While I was still wearing my contacts, I had started to suffer this age-related phenomenon, and had .5 readers made to wear with my contacts -- I'm wearing them right now for computer work.

The .5 readers aren't strong enough for actual reading, so I'm using DH's old 1.25 readers for that. I'm told that this too will fluctuate, so don't rush out and buy expensive readers until things settle down. My .5 reader frames are the ones I want to use as my "official" readers in the I'm holding onto them and will have them modified as required whenever.

Also, I didn't realize that night-time driving would be an issue -- because of the "halos" that appear around headlights at night -- this is because the cornea is still swollen -- and I gather that it can take quite a while for this to correct itself. A friend who has also had this surgery says that she has a slight halo around lights, but can drive just fine at night. Right now, the idea of driving on the highway at night with all of those lights -- nope, can't do it! This in the big scheme of things is a minor annoyance for me -- and DH has offered to be my designated driver in the meantime -- he's become a Sudoku fanatic, and looks for any opportunity to sit quietly with his Sudoku book and exercise his brain!

Gansey Workshop Update - Instead of doing 2 repeats of the chart (for the pillow) I only did one, finished it off and MAY make it into a small neck's very nice.

I like the way the pattern stands out in this yarn, and I love the way the yarn softened when washed in Eucalan, but still shows the pattern distinctly.

But my true love is fair isle (aka stranded) knitting in the traditional fingering-weight yarn......and I've been busy in this area.......

I've just finished emptying these boxes which brought my Fall shipment of Jamieson's Shetland Spindrift -- a couple of shades are on back order. Do you think I've got enough for the Winter??


  1. I think I would pass out if I were in your basement right about now...

    I'll have a picture of Ophelia for SEK for you soon!

  2. What a wonderful sight to see when going down to the basement! Surely beats a freezer and M/M Washie (though life is good with them).

  3. OMG! What are you going to do with all that yarn.

    Are you opening up a yarn store?

    It's beautiful.....sigh

  4. Well, maybe. But if you're going to sell stuff you may want to get a bit more. hee hee

  5.'s lovely.

    (Do you think we should tell Wannietta and Abigail that you *do* have a yarn store? Maybe they haven't seen that link on your sidebar?)

    I love your little gansey pillow. I'm working on a gansey sweater right now and really enjoying it.

  6. Nice to see that someone else yarn shops the way I do !! I dont feel quite so guilty for having 2 rooms stuffed full of shetland yarn any longer !

  7. Oh My!!! Is that your own personal stash???? For one winter??? Yikes...

  8. My pupils are dilated and I'm drooling.

  9. I so long to have my eyes corrected that way...I will follow your progress closely so don't forget to keep us posted!

    Do you prefer the Spindrift over the Jamieson & Smith jumper yarn for your fair isle sweaters? I'm new to all of this, just making my first pair of fair isle mittens.

  10. I'm so glad to hear your "new eyes" are doing so well :)

    Thanks for the reminder on the Gansey workshop, with the moving I completely forgot. I love your swatch, gotta go check it out.

    Oh that wall!!!! Color play heaven indeed. Looks like this winter will make the world a much more colorful place. Now to see what you choose next....

  11. I wish I could have your storage space, much less your stash!! I can see you being comforted by all those wonderful colors in the winter. I think you've got enough!


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