To Guild or Not to Guild!

I'm a member of two knitting guilds -- the monthly meeting of the Kitchener-Waterloo Knitters' Guild was last night. This is a big guild - it reached 195 members last month. They are a very active group and bring in a guest speaker every month.

Fiona Ellis was the guest speaker last night -- she gave a talk on the inspiration for the designs in new book (her first book) "Inspired Cable Knits".

Fiona graciously signed our books for us, and had all of the sample sweaters from the book on hand to ooh and ahh over.

(I'd heard this talk before, last month at the Downtown Knit Collective meeting in Toronto. Can you tell that I get a lot out of Guilds? that I'll drive 45 minutes to get to a Guild meeting? )

Guild business -- after Fiona's presentation and the break, the business part of the meeting started. It's the end of the year, the Executive are tired, they want volunteers to take over the running of the Guild. You'd think out of 195 members, there would be a stampeed to take on these roles right? Wrong.....and don't get me wrong, I'm one of those hanging back, hoping someone, anyone, everyone else will volunteer! There are two Executive positions still available -- Newsletter Editor and VP.

So, what I'm saying is......If you're lucky enough to have a Knitting Guild near you, that you attend, that you enjoy -- PARTICIPATE! Put your name in the hat, in the felted bag, whatever. If there is something you'd like to see happen at the guild, this is your chance to have influence on the way the guild is run.

End of speech to myself -- you get it right?

A part of each Guild meeting that I just adore, is the show and tell. There are always fabulous, inspiring, amazing knitting items to look at! Here's one I know you will like.....

"Camilla - Her Cups Runneth Over"

by Sue Sturdy, Knitter, Fibre Artist, K-W Guild Member

they say a picture is worth 1,000 words -- what can I add to the above? nothing!

OFIC (Obligatory Fair Isle Content) - remember this, I'm going to use it a lot LOL!

I took this photograph of Joyce's Fair Isle in progress.... It's the Sandwater Jumper from Ann Feitelson's book -- gorgeous isn't it?

Happy Knitting!



  1. It is gorgeous.

    That wouldn't be Camilla who lately celebrated an anniversary, would it?

  2. Carol in Oregon13 April 2006 at 09:53

    Keep that OFIC comin'! That's what I'm here for - the FI porn.

    So glad you started a blog - I've enjoyed hearing from you on several traditional knitting lists.

  3. I love Camilla! And I'm definitely going to get Anne Feitelson's book now...I was looking at it the other day.

    I was a guest at my local guild the other day - they have the same problem finding people. It wasn't a matter of electing officials, it was a matter of twisting enough arms to get all the positions filled.

  4. I love Camilla! And I'm definitely going to get Anne Feitelson's book now...I was looking at it the other day.

    I was a guest at my local guild the other day - they have the same problem finding people. It wasn't a matter of electing officials, it was a matter of twisting enough arms to get all the positions filled.

  5. Thanks for the tidying tips Anne! And I've revisited your FI 101 pages on your She Ewe Knits site. I just need a bit of practice, but my joins are getting better, and with a little love my previous rows can be coaxed into decency!

    Hope to meet you at Wednesday's DKC.


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