Advent Knit Challenge - Finale

Happy New Year! 

I really fell out of communication here and on youtube with my 2022 Advent Knit challenge, didn’t I?

Well, here are the 3 videos that detail what I had planned, how I progressed and while I didn’t finish as per the schedule I’d set myself….it is finished and I’m happy!

This first video details the plan…..and also has updates on my sock knitting.

This video was my week 1 update….and then, well, things all got complicated and I disappeared until well, right now! February 17, 2023!

Yes, I’ve finished the gorgeousWonderland Shawl by Chloe Thurlow! It’s such an effective design - easy intarsia blocks broken up with a horizontal line…..and finished off with vertical crochet or embroidered lines for that tartan look!

Links :

Dovecot Studios, Edinburg - Dovecot

Rowan Connect - Rowan Connect

My Ravelry Project Page - LifeLackaDaisiCal

Next time I’ll be looking at the Rowan Magazine 73 - Spring Summer 2023! I’ve already picked out my project! (Yes, I’ve got my copy already - there is a courier option for delivery and it worked really well…my magazine arrived safe and sound, handed to me at my front door! I highly recommend it if you are an overseas subscriber :) )

Happy Knitting!

Anne x


  1. Fave sock yarn: Opal Hundertwasser - hands down. Made a pair for my husband and they wash and wear like iron! I've tried other sock yarns and liked the results initially but none have worn the way the Opal does. He likes the crazy stripes.

    1. Hi Beth! Opal is a great brand of sock yarn…..I have quite a bit of Opal in my sock tube collection :)

  2. Thanks for being a reliable and trustworthy source of information.

  3. I'm grateful for the positive change your blog has brought into my life.


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