Marilyn.....Rowan 53

One of my very first actually finished knitting projects was a yellow sleeveless shell done in Rowan Glace.....I LOVED IT

Over the years when knitting time was restricted due to work and life commitments, I knit wool....because it might take me a year to finish something!

I got away from summer knits,  but this year I decided I wanted to be able to wear hand knits all year round.  (I've been thinking this for a few years actually, but it takes a while to get going on something this new and radical :) )

Rowan 53 has some wonderful summer knits in I wish I had more time, or more hands!

On the needles right now......Marilyn, Rowan 53

I blogged about this design back in I was going to change the colorway.....

I started with the front.....because I hadn't realized that this design only has stripes on the front piece.  Then I started Ysolda's Perfect Fit class....and I'm planning on putting a bit of short row shaping in the front piece to make it fit I stopped the front (to be continued later when the class covers this) and started the I'm working on both pieces actually right's fun!  I might do this more often!
This is the front piece, over the back you can see it's a subtle combination
of shades - but still following the concept of the design - alternating bands of
two shades of Summerspun on the Revive background!
It's snowing again today......Daisy loves it.....I'll be having a day of summer knitting!  

Happy Knitting everyone!


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