
Who would have guessed that knitting could be so fun when you have NO IDEA what the finished project is going to look like.

The first "clue" for the Stephen West 2012 Mystery Shawl KAL was released on Friday - and I got down to some serious was strangely compelling to complete the clue 1 knitting and be ready for the next clue to be released this's what it looks like so far.....


close up - both Opal sock yarns - a solid and a variegated....
Clue 1 completed!

In the garden, with the heat staying in the 80's, the bird bath is getting a lot of attention....especially for you Bev - I caught these photos the other morning - at about 5:30 - before it got too hot!

The male Indigo Bunting has been hard to catch in a photograph
 - but I think he's getting used to me out there with my camera and the telephoto lens.......

The female Indigo Bunting spends a lot of time in the bird bath too!

Daisy and Lackie need a hair cut!

Happy Knitting - and stay cool everyone!


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