Honningsvag and Cape North

Day 6 - At Honningsvag you have the opportunity of booking an excursion to Cape North....we couldn't resist as we have this thing about getting as far north as possible (like getting up to Muckle Flugga while in Shetland)

To accommodate those who want to do the Cape North excursion, lunch is early on the ship and we set off on the bus at 12:30 - because the boat leaves at 4 - so we have to get on the road!  What a road!

Honningsvag - see the snow fencing above the Town?

Taken through the bus window - this shows you how remote it is -
this road takes you to Cape North - you must have a special license to drive it.
Although Norway hasn't had it's normal snow fall this year....this road
has already been closed twice.
This is the tourist centre - what you see on top is actually 3 levels deep into the rock -
two levels down is a wrap-around screen theatre,

three levels down is a restaurant and chapels for those who want to say thanks. 
Here's where we are headed - the Cape North Globe statue.
Notice the fencing....

I'm sure this statue is here
to give you something to hang on to 
when you have your photo taken LOL!
It was hard to keep the camera still in the wind!
Because this is the view over the fence
- you don't want to get blown over there!

71 degrees North - a new record for us! 
We got back to the boat with 15 minutes to spare!


  1. You're a better woman than I. All that grey and ice and cold would get to me in about 15 minutes and I'd have spent the rest of the time in bed.

  2. Wow!! Fantastic!
    You must really appreciate those woollies on a trip like that :-)


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