Fun with Photos....

So I'm playing around with the new camera (my Christmas pressie) and through talking to Renee, the photography student, I'm learning a lot through photographic osmosis LOL!

For example, I took a photo and cropped this part out of it....

I thought it looked pretty good, and then I tweaked it in iPhoto, and this is what I got! (Not that I KNOW what I'm doing, I just play with the adjust sliders LOL!)

This Chickadee posed for me so nicely - he was busy eating a sunflower seed from the feeder!

So Renee sends me an e-mail with some "constructive criticism" LOL! and this is what I got!

You are right - even better! (I think LOL!)

Oh dear, constructive criticism - now she thinks it's too WARM!  How can a poor little shivering Chickadee be too warm LOL!

ok, one last go - what about this one????

It is toooo HOT?  Is it toooo COLD? or is it JUST RIGHT? LOL

You know what?  I like the original the best - go figure!


  1. If I'd known my "constructive criticism" was going to end up all over the net I might have shut my trap ;)

    I like the second edit better than the first. We'll get two educated students from one tuition, you wait and see!

  2. It might be a touch too warm now though (ducking).


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