She Ewe Knits update...

My web site is no longer active.  I'd asked for it to be shut down back in June.....but for some reason it was still up and running until yesterday.  Today, it is gone, finished, shut down.

After all, She Ewe Knits was my yarn business name......and I don't sell yarn any more.

So I'll post any new design info here on my blog on Shades of Shetland, and add it to the page "My Design Portfolio" here also.  On this page there are links of where to get each pattern (where possible).

Any design offered by pdf will be available here and thru my Ravelry store.   You don't have to be a member of Ravelry to view this page.

From my Ravelry shop page you can also see photos that knitters have posted of projects using my patterns - just click on the link under each photo where it says the number of projects - this is where they link any project listed in Ravelry that use this pattern.  You do have to be a Ravelry member to do this - it's free and easy to join.  (I am no way affiliated with Ravelry -- but I do have to admit that being able to see how other knitters interpret a design is my favourite feature of Ravelry.)

Right now my Cross-Country Chullo, from Knitty, Winter 2004 edition is by far the most popular design - with 117 Projects on Ravelry.

I'm not sure if I'll be doing much (or any) original design in the favourite knitting is by far stranded (fair isle) using the traditional yarn - Jamieson's Shetland Spindrift is my absolute favourite.


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