Lackie's First Christmas

Lackie has really started to come into his own -- 3 toilet rolls in the last 2 days -- it's my fault as because he has been so good, I've been less vigilant.

BUT, I did realize that a full-sized Christmas tree with all of those sparkly ornaments might be a bit much for his self control.

His track record is dubious -- he's already had an operation because two days before he was to come home with me, he ate a whole lot of stones, had an emergency operation, it was touch and go....but he lived to tell the tale. Needless to say I'm a little paranoid about him and stones (or anything else small and swallowable), so the first thing I did was teach him to "leave it" in return for a treat....but I still worry.......

So, instead of our large floor tree and my collection of ornaments, and tiny stuffed bears, this year I opted for a 4 ft. tree (purchased on a whim at Loblaws as I'd decided not to have a tree this year)....and thank goodness I got this tree as it has added the needed touch of Christmas to our first Christmas with Lackie........who is waiting impatiently with Daisy and Caelee for Christmas morning and his first taste of "presents".

Have a good one everyone -- here's to a great 2010!

Happy Knitting


  1. Merry Christmas to you and yours! My tree started with ornaments all over and they have slowly migrated up...up as Jack knocks them to the floor!

  2. Merry Christmas!
    I love your tree!

  3. Late Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy knitting and designing to you. We had 2 grandpuppies over for Christmas, and vigilance was the operative word.

  4. Anne- So, what was in the big box?

  5. Yeah, I want to know what was in the big box too!

    When do we see pictures of Lackie's first Christmas morning?!!

  6. And I'm sure it helped having great big Christmas presents around the tree to act as a stone barrier! :-)


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