Spiraling Coriolis Sock - Ta Da!

I was wondering if I'd be able to come to grips with the unique sock structure of Cat Bordhi's socks......starting the whirlpool toe is quite interesting....
This second one was much easier than the first.....so I must be getting my mind around the wonderness of it all!!!!
Here they are - done - fini - and Caelee approves.


  1. Caelee is making a cameo- those socks must be good!

  2. Those are pretty. I love seeing how all the different colourways look (of all the socks we've made so far, these are the worst fit on me...it's a bummer).

  3. Very nice socks Anne! Great to see Caelee too! :)

  4. Nice socks but I'm more interested in Caelee as she looks just like one of my previous cats, Smudge. Awwwh.

  5. Hi Caelee! Are you as confounded as I am about the whirlpool toe as I am?

    I've tried the toe method, but no matter how many times I tried...I made a mess of it!

  6. Tricky spirals and I love the colors.
    The beginning of the toe looks like a spider web!

  7. Gosh, those are gorgeous! I just finished a pair of socks, too, for my boss's wife, in some stash Regia I had. It was one of the jacquards in greys/blacks colorway and I put bright red cuffs/heels/toes. (I hope she likes them....) Right now I'm totally frustrated with the peasant heel technique because I can't seem to find an easy way to get those dang "held" stitches back onto the needles without much gnashing of teeth. One time I got so mad that I...oops, I didn't mean to go off on a rant!! Anyhoo, I love your blog and I'll be checking back frequently! Take care--Bo


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