
Showing posts from December, 2007

Winter Solstice.....

A She Ewe Knits customer, and I'd like to think friend, said to me..... "Merry Christmas, or whatever winter solstice day you celebrate." That pretty much sums it up.......enjoy the holidays in your traditional way, or start a new tradition of your own! Happy Christmas from me, and from Daisy too!

It's all about socks

I'm stalled on Duxbury Point -- and I needed some relatively mindless knitting. When I was down in Santa Fe, I indulged in a spot of Opal shopping.....Opal sock yarn that is..... So guess what I'm knitting.....Daisy is always happy to help model.....but the socks are actually for the Hubby -- this is a major milestone for me to knit something for him for Christmas - poor guy! I've been distracted from my knitting lately -- but I've finally figured out that it's my knitting that I need to distract me from other goings you'll be seeing more knitting soon. Happy Knitting

Christmas Sweater Knitting

Isn't this sweater great? I whipped it up for DH this morning -- I hope he likes it - because this is about as close to a Christmas Sweater knit by me that he'll ever get. If you want to make a Christmas Sweater for your special someone, go visit the We Hate Sheep, We Love Christmas Sweaters to make your own Thanks to Sullivan Higdon & Sink for this creative opportunity, and thanks to Ravelry for pointing it out! Make sure you have your speakers turned up to enjoy the great Christmas music! Happy Christmas!