You asked for it....

Questions about Autumn Rose.....

How much do the kits cost?
I just updated my web page with the info - but I'll put it here for quick reference -- I'm in Canada, so this is in Canadian dollars.

35, 37, 39, 41 & 43" chest
14, 14, 22, 24 & 24 balls of yarn
Simply Shetland 4 book - $24.95 (US pricing in Canadian dollars)
Kit pricing:
35" & 37" - $105, 45
39" - $151.45
41" & 43" - $162.95
Includes Shipping (+ applicable taxes in Canada)
When I say "Kit" I mean the book and yarn required for the design.(My yarn is priced to include shipping because everyone wants to know what it is going to cost including shipping right?)

I'm not too sure about the body shaping or the neckline -- can I change it?
Sure you can -- this design is charted in a 1/4 full size chart -- so you can easily adjust the shaping or neckline to suit you. You might need more yarn take that into consideration. I think this would be true for the smaller sizes for sure -- not too sure about the 43" one....I'll know better when I've finished it myself LOL!

Does it come in other colorways?

No, usually fair isle designs are the complete picture -- the designer's choice of shades and pattern complete. Yes they can be recoloured if you choose to do so -- you need to study the pattern, the shades used and pick substitutes for yourself.

Autumn Rose Update......I'm at the front neck shaping -- so tomorrow I'll do an update photo, then set up the neckline steek -- I should be joining the sleeves and body together tomorrow. I'm so excited!

Happy Knitting!


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