Neckline Steek

Here's the front neckline steek set up -- only 10 rows to go and I'll be putting the sleeves and body together!

Happy Knitting!


  1. Love Love LOve it. It is a fair isle design that is stylish enought that I would love to wear it. Question for the experts.... as someone who has zero ability to modify a pattern.... autumn rose has a slightly lower neckline than I'd feel comfortable with. Maybe 1-2 inches higher.... is there an easy method to making a change? I think this will be my next challenge when I complete my Persian Tiles. :) The colors are just perfect!

  2. Love the color combinations. Anne - I REALLY don't need another knit do I?? heh,heh...


  3. Just LUV it! Someday I am going to sit down and knit things just for me. When I do, it is you and Lorraine for patterns!

  4. Autumn Rose - beautiful colors and knitting!
    Can't wait to see the sleeve and body knitted together - so exciting!
    Makes me want to get back to stranded knitting!
    m :)

  5. I took "Rose" on vacation with me (I'm posting this from Vancouver Island) and lo and behold - forgot the shetland black at home!!!!! I've done as much on the sleeve as I can without the black but I'm so mad at myself. It's a great pattern and none of the yarn stores here carry the Shetland 2 ply. It looks beautiful so far. Can't wait to see yours.

  6. Am really looking forward to seeing the completed garment. Lovely colourway.


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