Lucy Neatby Knitting Essential DVDs

I just bought the Lucy Neatby "Knitting Essentials 1 & 2" DVDs. I got mine from Marsha White at the Needle Arts Bookshop, or of course you can get them direct from Lucy herself at Tradewind Knits.

You know, I didn't get these when they first came out -- Lucy was at the Kitchener-Waterloo Knitter's Fair last fall promoting them.....and of course I felt that I didn't need any instruction on knitting essentials. (Silly me!)

These are great videos -- very consise instructions with clear up-close photography.

So, I recommend these DVD's for their clear how-to instruction. I loved Lucy's happy stitches -- her way of describing the stitches was perfect and I can see how it would be very clear to a new knitter (and to us "old" knitters too!).

She doesn't do her steeks the way I would recommend for a traditional Shetland fair isle -- but again, she explains everything clearly, and shows how you can use a steek in your knitting to pre-plan cutting your knitting! (Versus just basting a cutting line and going for it -- she does this too!)

I can't wait to see what she does next (because she does say that there will be more), and Daisy gives them a 5 Cookie Rating!


  1. Congrats on the new additions to your knitting library. I am going to dash over and take a look. Now that I have a DVD player...hum.. Visually, it the best way for me to learn. Thanks for the post.


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