STRANDED - The Colorwork Challenge

I'm joining STRANDED, The Colorwork Challenge group. Why? you say? Because all stranded knitting is good knitting as far as I'm concerned.

Just to get us all going, they ask the following questions....

What are your projects for this knitalong?

Well, I'm working on Alcea from the Simply Shetland 3 book, done in Jamieson's Shetland Spindrift at the gauge of 8 stitches to the inch! I also am going to do one of the Starmore stranded sweaters from the book "Celtic Collection" as my personal winter project. I'm still deciding on which one.

Is this your first colorwork project? If it isn't, what was your first, and has it survived the test of time?

I originally started out with a Philosopher's kit way back in the late 80's (well it seems like a long time ago now), the "Colour Your Own" design. I knit two of them -- one for me, one for DH -- to wear on a trip to the UK. They were bright and colourful, a little on the rugged side. Upon my return, I found Ms. Starmore, and the rest, as they say, is history. I was totally smitten, and I don't really like to knit anything other than stranded (fair isle) with fine Shetland yarn on 3.25 (or smaller) needles -- there, I've admitted to my addiction -- healing starts now right?


  1. Hi Anne! Can't wait to see what you make from the Celtic Collection!

    (Heh, I laughed at the question "is this your first colourwork project"...Oh, they don't know you!)

  2. Hi Anne- I too served my apprenticeship with Philosopher's- it's really good to practice your technique.
    My first "real" Fair Isle was the pink sweater in Alice's Fair Isle book- the rest is history.


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