Merry Christmas!

I've been trying to post for a few days -- I had a favourite link set up to go to the bega blogger page -- it's been telling me that it couldn't process my request??? I just noticed this morning that the Beta part was crossed out, so I went to the home page and lo and behold, I can log in -- it's a CHRISTMAS MIRACLE!

At Christmas, I like to watch all of the movies (both old and new) that have Christmas as part of the of course I watch oldies like "Scrooge" and "White Christmas" -- but I also watched "Poirots Christmas"and "Love Actually" -- definitely different views of Christmas there.

I really wanted a nice Christmas photo for the blog. So I went out and bought one of those crunchy bags (this one looks like a very long Santa hat) for Caelee to play with, hoping to get some cute photos.......her comments are below! (I did have to edit them, because, well, after all it is Christmas!)
You want me to what? To go in there, turn around, lie down and look cute? What's in it for me? Treats, there are treats in there? Well, ok, now you're talking, I'll give it a go.

Ah, there are the treats! Yum Yum! Now to turn around and look cute (I'm good at looking cute). What the h*eck! Ah, was this the biggest size they had? Hey, I'm stuck in here! Somebody get me out!

Happy Knitting and Merry Christmas everyone!


  1. Hi Anne - dropped by your blog to see what you're up to these days - reading your Alcea instructions was like stepping into another world - it looks beautiful even if I don't understand a word you're saying. Good to see Princess Daisy home from the Big City, she looks tuckered. Merry Christmas to you and Alan - Daisy and Caelee.

  2. Very Cute! A cat in Santa's hat!

    Cats can't resist crawling into things. Now, Santa's hat is something new! I've seen them in paper bags, bowls, cardboard boxes...They must think there are some juicy mice inside these "dark, small spaces."

    Your Alcea is just beautiful.

  3. Heh, Caelee's so sweet, they'll do anything for a treat!

    Hope you had a wonderful holiday Anne!


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